jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019


Diclorodifluormetano (R-12) ,es un clorofluorocarbono halometano utilizados en los refrigerantes y como propelente para el aerosol.

Su fabricacion fue prohibida en eeuu y muchos otros paises en 1993,debido a las preocupaciones sobre el daño a la capa de ozono.es soluble en muchos disolventes organicos.

Propiedades fisicas

Formula molecular: CCl 2 F 2     

Masa molar: 120,91 g/mol

Apariencia: Un gas incoloro con olor similar al Eter

Densidad: 5,54 kg · m -3 (0 ° C) [
Punto de fusión: -157,78 ° C 
Punto de ebullición: -29,8 ° C 
Punto de inflamación: No tiene punto de inflamacion
Principales riesgos asociados: Dañoso para la capa de ozono de la Tierra
Usos del diclorodifluormetano
El diclorodifluorometano se empleaba también en la fabricación de botellas de vidrio, como aerosol para cosméticos, pinturas e insecticidas, y para la depuración de agua, cobre y aluminio.

(P. Forster, 2007)https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diclorodifluorometano

Aporte personal

Dichlorodifluoromethane is part of the CFCs, these are a family of gases that are used in various applications, mainly in the refrigeration industry and aerosol propellant. They are also present in thermal insulators. CFCs have a great persistence in the atmosphere, from 51 to plus or minus 200 years. With the passage of time they reach the stratosphere, where they are dissociated by the action of ultraviolet radiation, releasing the chlorine and this, begins with the process of destruction of the ozone layer. CFC is the generic name of a group of compounds that contain chlorine, fluorine and carbon, used as agents that produce cold and as propellant gases in aerosols. Its multiple applications, its volatility and chemical stability cause its accumulation in the upper atmosphere, where its presence, according to some scientists, is responsible for the destruction of the protective layer of ozoneDichlorodifluoromethane is part of the CFCs, these are a family of gases that are used in various applications, mainly in the refrigeration industry and aerosol propellant. They are also present in thermal insulators. CFCs have a great persistence in the atmosphere, from 51 to plus or minus 200 years. With the passage of time they reach the stratosphere, where they are dissociated by the action of ultraviolet radiation, releasing the chlorine and this, begins with the process of destruction of the ozone layer. CFC is the generic name of a group of compounds that contain chlorine, fluorine and carbon, used as agents that produce cold and as propellant gases in aerosols. Its multiple applications, its volatility and chemical stability cause its accumulation in the upper atmosphere, where its presence, according to some scientists, is responsible for the destruction of the protective layer of

Audio https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ssMxFszp-PMxS22EJm-hAXFJwsxy7Bvb